Author: Maruf Yusuf

Air traffic management (ATM)

AMS 625 Air Traffic Management (ATM) Air traffic management ensures safety of air traffic on land and in the air. It is a complex operation that requires prescribed competencies to carry out effective and efficient air safety management duties. The course provides a solid foundation knowledge of Air Transport Management.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Human resource management

AMS 618 Human Resources Management Every organization adopts diverse strategies and comprehensive approaches to managing people in the job environment. This is done so that employees contribute effectively and productively to the overall organizational direction and the accomplishment of the goals and objectives.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Aviation safety and security

AMS 617 Aviation Safety and Security It is a huge task to maintain safe, secure and sustainable air transport operation in accordance with corresponding standards and recommended practices. Continuous evolution and adoption of safety strategies and security protocols, that reduce and/or eliminate risk and vulnerability in the global air transport is essential.  This course offers […]

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Project/research thesis

AMS 623 Project/Research Thesis        A well-articulated exploratory research project has the potential to change the present and enrich the future. The module offers numerous interactive and flexible sessions with supervisors and constituted panel of moderators who assess the quality of work to ensure best-practices are followed.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Research methods

AMS 614 Research Methods Providing practical solutions to difficult and challenging situations through research is key to achieving safe, secure, and sustainable aviation industry.  This course covers basic research concepts and provides competencies needed to conduct systematic academic inquiry in any aspect of aviation operations.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Operational research

AMS 613 Operational Research This course lays a strong foundation on the rudiments of using mathematical concepts to evaluate a number of operational activities. E.g., project planning and analysis; forecasting and defining benchmarks to enable comparison among similar or dissimilar entities or events in aviation industry.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Seminar for trends and current problems in air transport.

AMS 622 Field Study/Seminar for Trends and Current Challenges in                                      Air Transport. This course serves a dual purpose. First, it is a supervised Field Study/Attachments at designated international airport. Secondly, participants in the field study will submit a well-articulated seminar paper based on the experience acquired. This course is designed to expose students […]

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized

Air transport economics

AMS 612 Air Transport Economics As global air transport expanded and became more complex, so the economic impact and regulations. The course provides a deeper look into the economic principles and policy developments that shape decision making in the global air transport industry.

By Maruf Yusuf | Uncategorized
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